Thursday, May 29, 2008

How many leads will the Spider Web System generate for you?

Great question--indeed! How many leads will the Spider Web System generate for me? Basically, what a person is asking when this is being asked is the following....with the spider web marketing system, I am expecting to see leads and people signing up--right? Right! And why wouldn't the spider web system catch those leads for you.

But, just as you would expect with any other business, the amount of customers (in this case, your sign ups become your customers, so-to-speak) will depend on how you go about making your unique spider web system known to all those thousands of MLM seekers within the great community called the Internet in search of Making Money Online.

Making Money Online requires people. Usually in the form of customers, who are going to purchase either some goods or service from the seller--you, in this case. Now, the leads or prospects who come into your web, the one that you have spun using the spider web will not directly purchase a good nor will purchase a service. Not directly and not in any form.

What the person is paying for is for having become your lead in the first place, but in exchange for the source of income, they too, will receive their own free spider web system, which they too can now go out and capture leads and prospects with whom they can pursue a networking relationship with, and why not? It works!

But getting back to the Leads question? This is only going to be answered with the amount of successful promotion of the spider web system being achieved and probably just as important, is the tracking and monitoring of that promotion. If you don't know what is working then, as we say Down Under, you might as well be "Pissing in the Wind!"

You'll be at it for three weeks and out of pocket with a trickle of leads and opt-ins for your efforts.

Not too REWARDING is it?

Kimball Roundy, the founder of the spider web system, states in the latest webinar, that YES, the system is designed and promoted to spin the user a web--virtually on AUTO, but....wait for it....he clearly states that this might mean a slow, slow, slow growth, for the growth will occur as a natural consequence, but what I related to the most was when he stated that-- "Why wouldn't you be eagerly promoting the Spider Web System, when it is one of the best marketing systems available currently on the web?"

And that is basically how I view the lack of leads question. Being proactive and marketing in all the right places isn't easy but neither is it impossible. Remember that about 150,000 people per week turn to the Internet to find some form of solution to making money online, and I am definitely seeing the Spider Web System as one part of the overall solution to having the Internet home business.

Especially, one where you can grow and expand at whatever pace you choose for your business to grow and expand.

With the Spider Web System, you will get the leads. The real question should be how many leads will you be satisfied with and how fast do you want your Internet business to grow.

See you @ the TOP,



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