Sunday, April 27, 2008

Avoiding that one fatal business word-Failure!

Welcome! As you can see, I am with the spider web marketing system. Why? Well when it comes to any business, whether that is MLM, Internet Marketing, Home Business, Ebay or opening up a store selling and marketing one's wares is a high priority! Don't believe it? Then have a look at the amount of money that is given to the sales department. As a member of the Spider Web Marketing System, I have found that Kimball in setting up the Spiderweb marketing system has helped to eliminate a lot of the problems that one faces when turning to the internet in the endeavor of "making a buck."

Have you ever wondered why it is that statistically 95% of businesses will fail whether they are Internet marketers or an owner of a beautiful looking website.And while you are at it, why does that same statistical figure ring true for not only for the online business world but as well as for all off-line businesses as well?

Well, for most people, on or off line who decided that going into a business is the "thing" to do, as what else could be better than working for yourself, being the Boss so to speak, getting to keep all the JUST rewards for oneself after not having had to slave away for somebody else, to then only sit back and watch the profits go into the wallet of another. That's right isn't it?Yeah. Well, unfortunately, that is correct. When it comes to business and avoiding that one fatal word-Failure!

It takes, more than just the "idea" that being the BOSS will take care of itself.Isn't it ironic, that even with such a great advances in technology now-a-days (laptops, personal computers, software programs that range from A-Z, Internet, Mobile Phones, VOIP etc. etc.) that we see that same magical figure of 95% failure of all businesses turn up when it comes to opening up and running a business online, whether that is a website looking to sell it's "All-in-one coffee maker." To the single mum, who has heard that it is possible to make extra income online as an Internet Marketer or something....?

Well, to be honest, there isn't anything ironic about it. Rather, than when it comes to business, that 95% of people out there just don't have a clue on what it takes to get one going and then to keep it going, just as intended.And where a lot of people going into only come out of business quickly due to failure, fall short-on are promotion and marketing. And not to mention the "S" word---SELLING!Whether you are an newbie Internet Marketer, who has joined an awesome affiliate program or owner of one of the greatest and coolest websites or Mr. Smith, who has just quit his day-job to go and open a used book store, if your not getting to see customers come and go through your store or website or affiliate site, and more importantly, if your not seeing customers buying what it is you are offering, then you don't have to Eisenstein to figure out, that you won't be in it for long.Now, before I offer what you can do to avoid your next failure in business.

What makes it even worse for the Internet World, is that, it is all-too common to hear these Fatal TWO words-"No Selling," required, or worse, "We do all the selling for you!"Well, if that is true, then why are they selling to you, and why is it that their products are just not walking off the screen into the laps of all the eager buyers out there? You've just got to wonder.A classic example. When was the last time that you got to see or hear an ad for McDonald's? A Coke-a-Cola? A Domino's? My answer would be...."Oh, about 5 minutes ago." These are huge businesses with even huge budgets of money and people devoted to selling and marketing their products world wide.

Now, if they are marketing world wide then, why would you think it would be different for you, or any other new business owner out there? The point is-it isn't! And I think that if you researched around, you'll find that that's where most of 95% of failures, fail.The marketing of their business. And of course, include in that is the selling, sales that the business needs in order to survive. Whether that means "a pair of new Adidas shoes sold," or "An affiliate sign-up," there's just no difference in the two. Both require a commitment of one sort or another, and that only comes after having been sold on the product or service that is being bought.

Here are a few steps to take to avoid falling into the pitfalls.

1. If you don't know anything about being in business, then you better learn something from someone who does know. Read books, articles from people who have done it and you know it is true.

2. The next time that you hear, "There's no selling required." Realize that is the company's sales pitch in order to get you signed up. All they are doing is tuning into the majority wavelength out there on the Internet. Most people don't know how to market and sell. Period!Regardless of the great flash presentation, splash page or anything else. If these things are that great at SELLING then why do they need you, and you....and you?You can try reading this free e-book: "The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing.

3. We all hear that money is in the list! That without the traffic, a site might as well be parked. It true isn't it. But, if you're not getting the traffic into see your MLM site, and then buying. Then you just don't get to make a list of happy clients who you can re-approach in the near future with another great offer to sell them.So, the other point here is to get the word out and then convert those figures into sales.Here is a great site where you can narrow down where to promote to.
Traffic Reports

4. Next, is to watch what you are doing, and more importantly, watch your results and sales, sign-ups or whatever it is, to see what is working for you. Ask any salesperson, what happens when you stop "closing" the sale? Most will say that you stop eating.Want to avoid that dreaded word--failure? Of course there is a lot more that could be said here, but I think that if the above sinks in with you, then you might have a fighting chance at being that successful business owner that you know you can be.

Flourish & Prosper.
"Dreams, goals, ambitions - these are the stuff that man uses for fuel."


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